QFC Uses Competition to Improve Customer Experience

To consistently win in the game of business, engage employees to make work more fun and competitive, while focusing on doing the RIGHT things instead of simply doing things right. This ideal was on full display last Saturday, when I proudly watched my 16 year-old son Carl compete in a district wide grocery bagging competion…

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Act to the Future

The surest way to dramatically Win in the Game of Business is to begin by bringing 100% clarity around future definition of business success and then boldly Act to the Preferred Future.  Always remember that in the absense of explicitly defined direction and goals, people become strangely loyal to performing daily acts of trivia and…

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Actively Engaged Employees Transform Companies

Assembling a team of actively engaged employees is mandatory if you want to consistently Win in the Game of Business.   Key to accomplishing this objective is to proactively retain top employees while shedding actively disengaged employees.    If this makes sense, what is your plan for building a super-team at work this year?  Before getting started,…

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The COST of Arrogance Will Make You Cry!

Arrogance costs the world economy trillions of dollars each year.  Amongst employees, what does the “I’m full of myself” attitude cost your company each year as measured by lost revenues, profits and employee turnover?  For many businesses, I’m guessing this number would make CEO’s cringe and shareholders cry! To illustrate, Andreas von der Heydt recently…

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Winning in Business is a Team Sport

Is Winning in Business easy for your company?  Some leaders can emphatically say “YES” with a sense of pride and accomplishment.  Others struggle mightily to keep their company surviving, let alone thriving.  Just as in the world of baseball, business leaders will fail at achieving dramatic success if they cannot build a winning team.  How…

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The Value of YOUR Gift

I recently heard in a speech that in the world of business, there are three types of people: 1. Those who light up a room simply by entering it. 2. Those who enter or leave a room without ever being noticed. 3. Those who light up a room simply by leaving it. I couldn’t agree…

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Why Fear is NOT a Motivator

Have you ever noticed how some managers try to manage their employees through fear and intimidation?  Do you believe that this tactic improves employee morale, strength of team and likelihood of long-term and sustainable business success? To draw upon a comparison from the past, looking back on 10 years as a youth baseball coach, I remember…

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Transformation in Business Comes From Connection

Bad baseball teams can transform into good baseball teams.  It happens a lot.  In the book, MONEYBALL, Michael Lewis writes a convincing story about how the Oakland A’s transformed their team strictly through power of information in the form of statistical analysis.  Using the MONEYBALL theme as a metaphor for business, a logical conclusion is…

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Why Customers Leave

What are the top reasons customers no longer do business with your company?  If you definitively know this answer, then congratulations for being amongst the few!  If not, then what does this lack of knowledge cost your business every year in lost revenue and profit?  If you knew why customers no longer do business with…

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Why Arrogant Leadership and Culture Fails

Leadership steeped in arrogance is based on the notion that customers exist to purchase company products.  Conversely, leadership steeped in humility is based on the notion that a company exists to absolutely delight their customers.  As a consumer, which type of leadership do you prefer from the companies you buy from? In Winning in Baseball…

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