Why People Who Take Action Succeed

Kevin McCarthy at NSA Northwest

Last Friday, Kevin McCarthy, CSP, visited the Northwest Chapter of National Speakers Association and delivered a terrific program titled, “Speaker Launch Blueprint: Zero to Six Figures in 12.5 Months.” In two hours, Kevin shared the exact steps he took to create a six-figure keynote speaking business in just over a year.  #TakeAction!

As the author of, Blind Spots, Why Good People Make Bad Choices, Kevin wrote about his work experience that led to serving 33 months in a federal prison for a crime he didn’t knowingly commit; involving the largest stock fraud in the history of Washington State. 

As a convicted felon, Kevin stated to the audience, “If a convicted felon can build a six-figure speaking business in a year, so can you!” Looking inward, do you have what it takes to dramatically grow your business this year! If not, what’s holding you back? #NoExcuses!

The path to success is never perfect

Embracing the grind is important if you want to succeed at anything.  If you are not willing to learn from mistakes, then you are doomed to live in a world of inaction.  Kevin shared countless stories and prefaced many with, “I didn’t really know how to go about taking the next step; I just did it.”  Then he would talk about the mistakes made and how applying new found knowledge translated into better decisions the next time.  In the world of business, this is called INNOVATION and iteration never happens without the process of making and learning from mistakes.

Imagine you are given the perfect roadmap to building a successful legacy company

If knowledge is power, then taking action is a super-power. I was chatting with someone at the break and they said something to the effect, “This is great information, but everything really boils down to common sense.”  I agreed and asked, “(1) What is the roadmap you are using to build your business and how is it going so far?” He responded, “I don’t have a roadmap and am still trying to figure out how to build my business.” This perfectly illustrated the value of defining with clarity the direction you want to take a company AND having the courage to act. Intuitively knowing how to do something doesn’t count!

Personal story and call to action

I’ve gotten to know Kevin over the past three years through National Speakers Association. We have both served as a Chapter President and currently serve on the National Chapter Leadership Committee. We benefit from belonging to an association of peers (friends) that openly share knowledge and truly want each other to succeed.   My advice to you is to find a group of people that do the same for you! If you need help with this, let me know…